Selection and ratification process

The proponents send the documentation to the Secretary General of Heritage Stone Subcommission (HSS) following the templates provided. Once the submitted documentation is checked, the Secretary General passes the proposals to 3-5 voting members for review. On completion of the review by the voting members, it is circulated among all 26 voting members for a discussion and vote. If a proposal under review receives 60% of the votes favouring it, then the Heritage Stone Sub-Commission sends the proposals to the executive of the International Commission on Geoheritage for discussion and review. Once the proposal is approved at the commission level, it is sent to the IUGS EC for final ratification. It is only after the IUGS-EC decision that the stone under review is formally ratified as an IUGS-Heritage Stone’.  

*Kindly note, the proposals can be submitted to the Secretary General of HSS throughout the year, but the proposals are sent for review twice a year.


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