The main activity of the International Commission on Geoheritage is the selection and recognition of Geological Heritage Sites, Heritage Stones and Geo-collections that have exceptional scientific value or made an important contribution to the geological sciences and related development of human culture.
All designated Sites, Stones and Geocollections are being compiled in high quality coffee table books, which can be downloaded for free. This is our main legacy.
If you want to have this special collection you can order your nice coffee table book through our online shop. The books will be shipped to you within a few days.

The First 100
IUGS Geological Heritage Sites
The book of “The First 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites” is a 60th anniversary spectacular souvenir that the IUGS wants to share with the global community of geoscientists and with all people worldwide. This collaborative achievement is authored by 485 experts from more than 40 countries.
“The First 100” is a unique milestone that unified the scientific community and opened the way for the IUGS recognition of those sites that are essential for the development of Geological Sciences.
The Second 100
IUGS Geological Heritage Sites
The First 55
IUGS Heritage Stones
“The First 55 IUGS Heritage Stones” compiles the work of the Heritage Stones group during the last 10 years. Many cities, iconic monuments and cultures across the world are strongly influenced by a specific stone. The first 55 IUGS Heritage Stones are here presented for the appreciation of those who take interest in the history and nature of human stone use.
The number of books is limited. Order your hard copy book writing directly to Angela Ehling. Special price: 30€ / book + shipping cost.