Durbuy Anticline


The wonderfully exposed Durbuy Anticline in the medieval town of Durbuy was first described in 1807 by the famous Belgian geologist Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'Omalius d'Halloy.

The wonderfully exposed Durbuy Anticline in the medieval town of Durbuy was first described in 1807 by the famous Belgian geologist Jean-Baptiste-Julien d’Omalius d’Halloy.

Geological Period

Upper Devonian

Main geological interest

History of geosciences


Durbuy, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium
50°21’13”N, 005°27’30”E

The wonderfully exposed Durbuy Anticline in the medieval town of Durbuy was first described in 1807 by the famous Belgian geologist Jean-Baptiste-Julien d’Omalius d’Halloy.

An archetype anticline defined as early as 1807.

The natural cross-section of the Durbuy Anticline represents an archetypal anticline and is a classical site used for the education of geology and geoscience students from Belgium and neighboring countries.
It was scientifically described as early as 1807 and is the subject of one of the oldest geosite studies in the world, thus serving as a key reference.
Situated within the UNESCO Global Geopark Famenne-Ardenne, the Durbuy Anticline is easily accessible and attracts a broad public. It holds significant local cultural and heritage value and is supported by the town of Durbuy.

The Anticline is part of the medieval town of Durbuy.

The Durbuy Anticline provides a textbook example of a cross-section through an anticline, widely employed for scientific and educational purposes since the early 19th century. This wonderfully exposed outcrop is also known as l’Anticlinal d’Omalius after the famous Jean-Baptiste-Julien d’Omalius d’Halloy (the Father of Belgian Geology, known from the clay-mineral halloysite) who described it in 1807. This description was part of a much larger endeavor: in 1813 d’Omalius completed the first geological map of France and bordering areas, which was published only in 1822 due to the political turmoil in western Europe. He divided the northern geological terrains into three parts, which subsequently through the works of Roderick Murchison and others, became well-established as the Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous.The geosite in the medieval town of Durbuy boasts a base of 90 meters and a height of 37 meters and is composed of about 25 layers of Mid-Frasnian marine limestone of the Philippeville Formation. The slightly faulted anticline is an excellent example of Late Carboniferous Variscan deformation in Europe. The structure was carved out by the Ourthe River, which originally meandered on a Cenozoic sandy substratum, and is now eroding underlying Devonian formations without distinction of their hardness.

First described by geologist Jean-Baptiste-Julien d’Omalius d’Halloy (1783-1875) in 1807 and subsequently re-described for a broader audience by Dejonghe and Jumeau (2007), the apex of the anticline is the highest point of the medieval town of Durbuy. It is a common destination for a walk by inhabitants and visitors.

The original sketch of the Durbuy Anticline from the publication by d’Omalius d’Halloy (upper left-hand corner) in comparison with a modern representation.

Dejonghe, L. and Jumeau, F. (2007) Les plus beaux rochers de Wallonie – Géologie et Petite histoire. (Collection Geosciences du Service Géologique de Belgique). Available at: https://www.naturalsciences.be/fr/science/do/94/page/1494.

D’Omalius d’Halloy, J.B.J. (1807) ‘Notice sur la disposition des couches du coteau de Durbuy’, Journal des Mines, 21, pp. 475–480.

Groessens, E. and Groessens-Van Dyck, M.-C. (2007) ‘Two Hundred Years of Geological Mapping in Belgium, From D’omalius D’halloy to the Belgian Federal State’, Earth Sciences History, 26(1), pp. 75–84. Available at: https://doi.org/10.17704/eshi.26.1.80j02357x222n732.

Sophie Verheyden.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS.

Serge Delaby.
UGGp Famenne-Ardenne, Belgium.

Léon Dejonghe.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS.

Xavier Devleeschouwer.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS.

Michiel Dusar.
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – RBINS.

Robert Speijer.
KU Leuven, Belgium.