Ries Crater


Panoramic view of the Ries crater with the town of Nördlingen in the central part (Geopark Ries, Photographer Fotostudio Herzig).

Panoramic view of the Ries crater with the town of Nördlingen in the central part (Geopark Ries, Photographer Fotostudio Herzig).

Geological Period


Main geological interest

Impact structures and extraterrestrial rocks
History of geosciences


Nördlinger Ries, Bavaria / Baden-Württemberg, Germany
48°53’03”N, 010°33’25”E

Panoramic view of the Ries crater with the town of Nördlingen in the central part (Geopark Ries, Photographer Fotostudio Herzig).

One of the best preserved craters worldwide displaying many impact features, which can be studied in an easily accessible region.

The Ries Crater is very well preserved and displays the different rock types in numerous outcrops. Excursion guides (e.g. Chao et al., 1978; Geopark Ries, 2019), maps and geotouristic infrastructure (trails, guided tours, Rieskrater-Museum) are excellent. The Crater is an important training area for space missions. In 1970 NASA conducted field exercises in rock identification for the astronauts of Apollo 14 and 17 missions. To this day, the Ries is a port of call for the astronauts of the European Space Agency (ESA). Results of recent investgations are important for the interpretation of extraterrestrial impact craters, especially on Mars.

Suevite with degassing-pipe (left) in contact with banked upper jurassic limestones (right) in the quarry Altenbürg (Geopark Ries, Photographer Fabian Weiß).

The Nördlinger Ries is a depression 25 kilometers wide and up to 150 meters deep embedded in the Swabian-Franconian Cuesta Landscape. The bottom today is a plain created by post-impact Ries-Lake sediments and a Pleistocene loess veneer. The structure belongs to the class of “complex” impact craters in which uplifts form an inner ring (Stöffler et al., 2013). Originally the impact of a 1 kilometer asteroid created a primary crater 11 kilometers wide that subsequently was modified by crater floor uplift and marginal collapse (“megablock zone”), which enlarged the crater. As in very few cases on Earth, most of the blanket of ejected masses is preserved. Different rock types are existent, which have been modified or created by the impact. “Bunte breccia” is a polymict breccia with fragments of all stratigraphic, predominantly Mesozoic, \units. Polymict crystalline breccias consist of fragments of the crystalline basement. Most characteristic is the iconic “suevite”, an impact breccia composed of rock and mineral fragments with “glass bombs” of crystalline basement melt. It was deposited from the ejecta plume, a hot, glowing cloud. Because of its similarity with volcanic tuff, the Ries structure formerly was interpreted to have been formed by a kind of volcanic explosion.

There are hundreds of publications about the Ries. Gümbel (1870) provided the first detailed study. The impact origin was demonstrated by Chao and Shoemaker (1961). Research drilling was conducted in 1973. The crater filling was studied by Arp et al. (2021). The city of Nördlingen operates an Impact Research Center.

Geological Cross section of the Ries crater with reconstructed pre-impact landsurface (Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU).

Arp, G. et al. (2021) ‘A Volcanic Ash Layer in the Nördlinger Ries Impact Structure (Miocene, Germany): Indication of Crater Fill Geometry and Origins of Long-Term Crater Floor Sagging’, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(4), p. e2020JE006764. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JE006764.

Chao, E.C.T., Hüttner, R. and Scdmidt-Kaler, H. (1978) Principal exposures of the Ries meteorite crater in Southern Germany. Description, photographic documentation and interpretation. Munich: Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt.

Geopark Ries (ed.) (2019) Windows into the Earth with excursion tips. Adventure geotopes.

Gümbel, C.W. von (1870) Ueber den Riesvulkan und über vulkanische Erscheinungen im Rieskessel. München (Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,). Available at: https://publikationen.badw.de/de/003392895.

Shoemaker, E.M. and Chao, E.C.T. (1961) ‘New evidence for the impact origin of the Ries Basin, Bavaria, Germany’, Journal of Geophysical Research (1896-1977), 66(10), pp. 3371–3378. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1029/JZ066i010p03371.

Stöffler, D. et al. (2013) ‘Ries crater and suevite revisited—Observations and modeling Part I: Observations’, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 48(4), pp. 515–589. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/maps.12086.

Georg Loth.
Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), Department Geological Survey, 95030 Hof, Germany.

Dieter Stöffler (+).
former: Natural History Museum, Berlin, Germany.

Heike Burkhardt.
UNESCO Global Geopark Ries, Donauwörth, Germany.

Gisela Pösges.
UNESCO Global Geopark Ries, Donauwörth, Germany.

Günther Zwerger.
UNESCO Global Geopark Ries, Donauwörth, Germany.

Cindy Cooper.
Freelance translator.

Fabian Weiß.
UNESCO Global Geopark Ries, Donauwörth, Germany.

Dietmar Jung.
Bavarian Environment Agency (LfU), Department Geological Survey, Hof, Germany.

Heinz-Gerd Röhling.
German Geological Society (DGGV). Germany.

Marie-Luise Frey.
Welterbe Grube Messel gGmbH, Rossdörferstr. 108, 64409 Messel, www.grube-messel.de. Germany.