Limestone Juramarmor


Berlin Airport.

Berlin Airport.

Year designation



Limestone, Biopelmicrite


Yellow light brownish and greyish-blue, fine-grained with fossils like sponges, algal crusts and ammonites

Geological settings

Mesozoic – Upper Jurassic – Kimmeridgian; Treuchtlingen Formation


Altmühl valley, Southern Fränkische Alb, Bavaria, Germany

Berlin Airport.

The most popular interior decoration stone in Germany

Juramarmor has probably been used since the Romans, witnesses to which are the Roman thermal baths, the Roman fort and the Limes near Weißenburg. The Willibaldsburg in Eichstätt in the middle of the 14th century provides evidence of quarrying on a larger scale, as does the Pappenheim altar in Eichstätt Cathedral in 1495.
Juramarmor was transported on the Danube and was used for representative buildings along the river.
The Juramarmor is the most used and most popular natural stone in Germany during the last 60 years for interior decoration. Felt it is used in almost every second public and many private buildings throughout Germany for many decades for flooring, staircases, as window sills but mostly as façade cladding and floorings. One of the youngest examples is the flooring of the Berlin International Airport in 2012, but also the highest building in the world which was cladded by a natural stone: The Burj Khalifa in Kuwait with a highness of 828 m and further Buildings around the world, e.g. in New York.
There are also few but famous sculptured pieces. One very famous example of relief art made of Juramarmor is the Pappenheim Altar (1489) in Eichstätt Cathedral.

Portal with sculptures, residential building in Munich around 1900.

Typical floor slabs.

Koch, R. & Ritter-Höll, A. (2022): Jurassic Limestones: Solnhofen Limestone (Solnhofener Plattenkalk) and Treuchtlingen Limestone (Treuchtlinger Kalkstein).- In: Ehling, A., Häfner, F. & Siedel, H. (Eds.) Natural Stone and World Heritage: UNESCO Sites in Germany; CRC Press.

Anette Ritter-Höll & Angela Ehling

Dr. Anette Ritter-Höll – RITTER Stone GmbH
Eichgrabenstraße 5 – 82340 Feldafing/Munich – Germany

Dr. Angela Ehling
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Berlin, Germany


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