IUGS Zumaia Declaration
On October 28th, the International Union of Geological Sciences, during the celebration of its 60th anniversary event with more than 200 experts from 40 countries adopted the IUGS Zumaia declaration. This declaration has been supported by the main International organizations related to Earth Sciences and aims to emphasize the importance of 1) Considering Geological Sciences to face most of the global challenges now being faced, 2) supporting basic and collaborative research of the geological record and processes and 3) recognizing the geological heritage as part of the values that humanity must protect for future generations.
Sign IUGS Zumaia Declaration:
(The signature table will be updated every month)
IUGS Subscribers Declaration of Zumaia
(The signature table will be updated regularly)
Full Name | Organization | Country | Date |
Iñaki Astolaza | Zumaiako Udala | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Markel Olano | Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Arantza Tapia | Eusko Jaularitza - Government of the Basque Country | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Jonh Ludden | International Union of Geological Sciences | United Kingdom | 28/10/22 |
Stanley Finney | International Union of Geological Sciences | United States | 28/10/22 |
Asier Hilario | IUGS-ICG / Basque Coast UGGp | Spain | 28/10/22 |
David Harper | IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy | United Kingdom | 28/10/22 |
Ezio Vaccari | IUGS - INHIGEO | Italy | 28/10/22 |
Nikolas Zouros | Global Geoparks Network (GGN) | Greece | 28/10/22 |
Lars Erikstad | President of ProGEO | Norway | 28/10/22 |
Mauro Soldati | Inter. Association of Geomorphologists. IAG | Italy | 28/10/22 |
Isabelle Rouget | International Paleontological Association. IPA | France | 28/10/22 |
Jerónimo López-Martínez | SCAR / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Julie Hollins | EuroGeoSurveys, the Geological Surveys of Europe | Belgium | 28/10/22 |
Vicente Gabaldón | Asociación de Servicios de Geología y Minería Iberoamericanos. ASGMI | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Giuseppe di Capua | International Association for Promoting Geoethics | Italy | 28/10/22 |
Alan Boudreau | Duke University | United States | 28/10/22 |
Alireza Amrikazemi | Qeshm Island UGGp | Iran | 28/10/22 |
Ane Zabaleta | University of the Basque Country | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Arantza Aramburu | (UPV) University of the Basque Country | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Artur Abreu Sá | Arouca UGGp | Portugal | 28/10/22 |
Benjamin Van Wyk de Vries | IUGS-ICG. Univ. Clermont Auvergne | France | 28/10/22 |
Camilo Vergara | Ser. Nacional de Geología y Minería | Chile | 28/10/22 |
Carlos Merizalde | Imbabura UGGp | Ecuador | 28/10/22 |
Carlos Pérez | Ayuntamiento de Donostia-San Sebastián | Spain | 28/10/22 |
César Goso | Universidad de la República de Uruguay | Uruguay | 28/10/22 |
Emmaline Montserrat Rosado | University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, CGeo / Mixteca Alta UGGp | Portugal | 28/10/22 |
Gary Lee | Pacific Community (SPC) | Fiji | 28/10/22 |
Georg Büchel | University of Jena, Institute of Geosciences | Germany | 28/10/22 |
Ghislain Zangmo | University of Maroua | Cameroon | 28/10/22 |
Giuseppe Di Capua | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia | Italy | 28/10/22 |
Iakopo Saumalu | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment | Samoa | 28/10/22 |
Isabelle Gärtner-Roer | Dept. of geography University of Zurich | Switzerland | 28/10/22 |
Jamie Farrell | University of Utah | United States | 28/10/22 |
Joana Paula Sanchez | Universidade Federal Universit of Goiás | Brazil | 28/10/22 |
Jon Beaskoetxea | - | Spain | 28/10/22 |
José Ángel Sánchez | Las Loras UGGp | Spain | 28/10/22 |
José Luis Palacio-Prieto | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Mexico | 28/10/22 |
Karl E. Karlstrom | University of New Mexico | United States | 28/10/22 |
Karmah Salman | Las Loras UGGp | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Kathleen Histon | IUGS - INHIGEO | Ireland | 28/10/22 |
Laura Damas | (UPV) University of the Basque Country | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Laura J. Crossey | University of New Mexico | United States | 28/10/22 |
Luis Carcavilla | IGME - CSIC | Spain | 28/10/22 |
Luís Lopes | Universidade de Évora / Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos. | Portugal | 28/10/22 |
Mahala Kephart | University of Utah | United States | 28/10/22 |
Marguerite Muniz | CNRS | France | 28/10/22 |
Marjorie Chan | University of Utah | United States | 28/10/22 |
Mark Cooper Cooper | British Geological Survey | Northern Ireland | 28/10/22 |
Martin Ebert | Jura-Museum Eichstätt | Germany | 28/10/22 |
Martina Kölbl-Ebert | University of Munich / INHIGEO | Germany | 28/10/22 |
Mauricio Faraone | Servicio Geológico de Uruguay | Uruguay | 28/10/22 |
Nomikou Paraskevi | Dept. of Geology and Geoenvironment, NKUAN | Greece | 28/10/22 |
Paola Coratza | University of Modena and Reggio Emilia | Italy | 28/10/22 |
Paulo Pereira | Universty of Minho | Portugal | 28/10/22 |
Piotr Migon | International Association of Geomorphologists. IAG | Poland | 28/10/22 |
Rachel Walcott | IUGS-ICG. National Museums Scotland | United Kingdom | 28/10/22 |
Rigoberto Aguilar | INGEMMET | Peru | 28/10/22 |
Ringo Benjamim Victor | Universidade Púnguè | Mozambique | 28/10/22 |
Sabine Kummer | Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel UGGp | Germany | 28/10/22 |
Salomé Meneses | Azores UGGp | Portugal | 28/10/22 |
Sandhya Tripathi | The Society of Earth Scientists | India | 28/10/22 |
Sapolu Tetoa | Lands and Survey Department | Tuvalu | 28/10/22 |
Segalen Loic | Sorbonne University | France | 28/10/22 |
Sherene James-Williamson | University of the West Indies | Jamaica | 28/10/22 |
Silvia Peppoloni | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia | Italy | 28/10/22 |
Thure Edward Cerling | University of Utah | United States | 28/10/22 |
Todd Keith | Parks Canada | Canada | 28/10/22 |
Volker Lorenz | Natur- und Geopark Vulkaneifel UGGp | Germany | 28/10/22 |
Wojciech Zglobicki | Maria Curie Sklodowska University | Poland | 28/10/22 |
Zbigniew Zwoliński | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation | Poland | 28/10/22 |
Georg Loth | Bavarian Environment Agency - Dept. Geological Survey | Germany | 20/2/2023 |
Giuseppe Di Capua | Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia\/IAPG-International Association for Promoting Geoethics | Italy | 22/2/2023 |
Gurmeet Kaur | IUGS-Heritage Stone Subcommission | India | 22/2/2023 |
Juana Vegas | Geological Survey of Spain (IGME-CSIC) | España | 23/2/2023 |
Mónica Gabriela da Silva Sousa | European Federation of Geologists (Panel of Experts on Geological Heritage) | Portugal / Belgium | 2/3/2023 |
Laura Itzel González León | Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo | México | 7/3/2023 |
Malaea | Samoa | Samoa | 8/3/2023 |
Antônio Gilberto Costa | Federal University of Minas Gerais | Brazil | 12/3/2023 |
Robert P. Speijer | National Committee for Geological Sciences | Belgium | 16/3/2023 |
Jose Gregorio Herrera Garcia | Personal | Venezuela | 17/3/2023 |
Francis Tourneur | SPW | Belgique | 20/3/2023 |
Mehmet ÖZKUL | Pamukkale University | Türkiye | 27/3/2023 |
Judith A. McKenzie | Earth Science Institute, ETH-Zurich | Switzerland | 27/3/2023 |
Alireza Amrikazemi | Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark & Lut Desert UNESCO World Heritage Site | Iran | 27/3/2023 |
Serge Delaby | Famenne Ardenne UGGp | Belgique | 5/4/2023 |
Rafaela Aires | University of Minho | Portugal | 15/4/2023 |
Felipe Fuentes | Sernageomin | Chile | 2/6/2023 |
Mark Williams | University of Tasmania | Australia | 3/6/2023 |
Maria Rosario Costa | UTAD | Portugal | 7/6/2023 |
Saul Sanchez Bailo | The Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) | Ireland | 8/6/2023 |
Yan Luobin | Southwest University | China | 13/6/2023 |
Keynesménio Neto | Geosciences Center (CGEO) - University of Coimbra (Portugal) | Portugal | 14/6/2023 |
Fernando Botero García | Aspirante Geoparque Zaquenzipa | Colombia | 15/6/2023 |
Stefano Dominici | Natural History Museum Florence | Italy | 23/6/2023 |
Leonardo Torres da Silva | FEPAM RS | Brasil | 14/8/2023 |
Abdulmyanov Said | Vernadsky State Geological Museum RAS (SGM), Gemological and Mineralogical Laboratory | Russia | 22/8/2023 |
Alvaro Marquez | Universidad Complutense | Spain | 22/8/2023 |
Sunjay | Seismic Imaging Centre Geophysics | India | 28/10/2023 |
Dr. Daniel Lebel | Geological Survey of Canada | Canada | 28/10/2023 |
רולן וולף | Home@ MWP | ISR | 18/11/2023 |
Michiel van der Meulen | TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands | Netherlands | 18/11/2023 |
Dr. Vinod K Sharma | ExDDG, Geological Survey of India | India | 04/12/2023 |
Khodani Matshusa | University of South Africa | South Africa | 12/12/2023 |
Vitantonio Venezia | Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro" Dipartimento Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali | Italy | 29/01/2024 |
Hara Drinia | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Ελλάδα | 09/03/2024 |
Olaya García | El Hierro UGG | Spain | 03/04/2024 |
Mukhtiar Ghani | University Of Goettingen | Germany | 24/05/2024 |
Joshua Sabiiti Martin | Kyogo Mazinga | Uganda | 04/07/2024 |
Supporting International Organization