Subcommission on Sites

The Subcomisión on Sites forms part of the International Commission on Geoheritage, which is, in turn, a scientific Commission established by the International Union of Geological Sciences.

Knowledge of Earth and its history is based on places and landscapes that have been described and studied since the birth of the geological sciences.

Some of these places have a special value. They are inspiring and extraordinary places that have contributed significantly to the development of Geological Sciences. They represent the memory of the Earth and are part of the natural heritage that we must in equal parts value, manage, use and conserve with determination. Our mandate is to coordinate an International collaboration that will lead to identify and give recognition to those sites of the highest scientifc value.


Main Goals

1. Establishment of Global standards for the recognition of IUGS Geological Heritage Sites.
2. Coordination of the IUGS Geological Heritage Sites program.
3. Compilation and maintenance of an IUGS Geological Heritage Sites database.
4. Collaboration among International organizations related to geological sites.
5. Permanent collaboration with UNESCO Global Geoparks Program coordinating the assessment of the International value of the geological Heritage of aspiring UNESCO Global Geoparks.


Subcommission on

Karoly Nemeth

Benjamin Van Wyk

Gonzalo Lozano

Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah, KSA




Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah, KSA.




Clermont Auvergne University, France.


Secretary General


CSIC - Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Spain.

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee for the IUGS Geological Heritage Sites program was constituted in March 2023 by the IUGS International Commission on Geoheritage.

The Selection Committee is formed by one representative from each of the 19 international organizations that participate in the program representing the major disciplines of geological sciences.

The main goal of this committee is 1) to share a common strategy for the development of the program, 2) to drive the active participation of all these organizations and finally 3) to approve the final list of sites to be designated.

International Organizations

IUGS – International Commission on Stratigraphy, ICS.
Elisabetta Erba, Chair.

IUGS – Commission on the History of Geology, INHGEO.
Ezio Angelo Vaccari, Chair.

International Association for Structural Geology and Tectonics, IASGT.
Lorraine Tual, Representative.

International Association of Geomorphologist, IAG.
Piotr Migoń, Representative.

International Paleontological Association, IPA.
Roger Thomas, Chair.

International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, IAVCEI.
Karoly Nemeth, Commission on Volcano Geology.

Global Geoparks Network, GGN.
Nickolas Zouros, President.

International Mineralogical Association, IMA.
Hans-Peter Schertl, Chair.

UNESCO International Research Centre on Karst.
Zhang Yuanhai, Director.

Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, SCAR.
Enrique Díaz-Martínez, Expert Group on Geological Heritage and Geoconservation, GEOCON.

International Association for the Conservation of Geological Heritage, ProGeo.
Kevin Page, President.

International Association of Hydrogeologists, IAH.
David Kreamer, President.

International Union of Quaternary Research, INQUA.
Thijs van Kolfschoten, Past-President.

Impact Cratering Committee of the Meteoritical Society, ICC.
Aaron J. Cavosie, Chair.

International Association of Sedimentologist, IAS.
Daniel Ariztegui, Past-President.

International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior, IAVCEI.
Heather Handley, Commission on Volcano Geoheritage and Protected Volcanic Landscapes.

The Metamorphic Studies Group, MSG.
Owen Weller-Gibbs, Chair.

American Association of Petroleum Geologist, AAPG.
Matt Silverman, History of Petroleum Geoscience Committee, Chair.

Group of Marine Geology for the IUGS Geological Heritage Sites.
Hiroshi Kitazato, Representative.

Society of Sedimentary Geology, SEPM.
Bosiljka Glumac, President.