The Second 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites call is open

After the great success of the The First 100, we are very glad to announce that the process for the The Second 100 has been already launched.  The IUGS Executive Committee has strongly supported our strategy to announce 100 sites every two years. The Second will be announced in 2024 in an special event during the 37th international Geological Congress in Busan, Republic of Korea.
174 candidates sites from 65 nations have been presented for The Second 100 IUGS Geological Heritage Sites. The majority of candidates show extraordinary and spectacular geological features. Click below to see the full list of candidates. All the candidate sites will be evaluated by a group of 85 experts from all around the world covering all geological disciplines. The final list of the Second 100 will be ratified by the IUGS Executive Committee in February 2024 in Kenia.
Download our flyer to get more detailed information about this exciting and collaborative endeavor.